Bzzz Protection Spray


Bzzz Protection Spray

from $12.00

A super charged natural insect repellant

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Bzzz Protection Spray is a potent combination of 4 Chinese herbs that have insect deterring properties which have been steeped in catnip hydrosol and witch hazel to produce a super charged insect repelling spray.  This is one of my favorite summer products.  If you were to look in my back pack, you'd find a bottle (or two!) in there!  This bug spray has traveled the world - friends and customers have taken it to Bali, the Philippines, travels throughout South America and I've taken it to Nepal (where it got the complement from fellow volunteer - "this is better than Deet!!).  I love this formula and hope it works as well for you as it has me.

If you choose the 2oz option, you'll receive a 2oz green glass bottle of this spray. If you choose the bulk 16oz option, you’ll receive a large 16oz plastic bottle of spray with no pump top - this is a refill bottle to fill up a spray bottle you already have :)

Ingredients:  organic witch hazel, organic catnip hydrosol, artemesia vulgaris (mugwort), menta arvensis (peppermint), lithospermi radix (zi cao), scutellaria baicalensis (huang lian), catnip tincture, essential oils of peppermint, lemon eucalyptus, rose geranium, catnip and citronella.


*Please do not use this product on small children.  This is a pretty hefty blend of essential oils and little people are much more sensitive than adults.  Not for use on pets please.  

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure, or prevent any diseases.  The information provided is for educational purposes only.  For health care advice, please consult your Primary Care Physician or other health care professional.