SAMPLE // UNBLOCKING: A sinus supportive steam

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SAMPLE // UNBLOCKING: A sinus supportive steam


Herbs to support your lungs and dry up alllllll that snot!

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Since relocating to Iowa my body has been taking it's sweet 'ole time getting reacquainted to the pollens, fungi and other allergens that come with a new location.  Our sweet blend of herbs supports our respiratory system, offering actions of drying mucus and phlegm, opening the orifices and helping us breathe a bit deeper during times our passageways are experiencing higher than normal traffic!  The herbs are balanced enough that the steam helps with phlegm and mucus while not drying out the lungs (in Chinese medicine considered to be the delicate organ and very sensitive to dryness).  

Peppermint is a very delicate herb and you'll most likely experience the majority of it's effects within the first 3-5 minutes of steaming before it's volatile oils are completely dispersed but the rest of the herbs will offer their support for as long as you decide to steam.  I hope you find comfort in this herbal steam, both in what it offers physically but also the aromatic experience that is to be enjoyed!

You will receive a 1/4oz bag of herbal steam, enough for about 1-2 uses to try out before investing in a larger bag!  The herbs are packaged in a compostable veggie cellulose bag that can go into your compost pile when you're done!  

Ingredients:  organic peppermint leaf (bo he), organic eucalyptus leaf, cocklebur fruit (cang er zi), magnolia flower buds (xin yi hua), dahurian angelica root (bai zhi).  

To use:  place a TBS of the herbs in a pot of simmering water.  Remove from the heat (or turn down very low), place your head over the pot and cover yourself + the pot with a towel.  This helps trap the steam around your face so that you may breathe the healing benefits of the herbs as the steam rises.  I prefer to keep my eyes closed during this process -- as the aromatics released by the peppermint rise they can be a bit overwhelming to the eyes.  Allow yourself to steam for 5-10 minutes or until you feel complete.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure, or prevent any diseases.  The information provided is for educational purposes only.  For health care advice, please consult your Primary Care Physician or other health care professional.